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Is America’s Great Eclipse a Sign from God?
A reminder of humanity’s small part in God’s universe
Our Blood Exposes Our Physical—and Spiritual—Health
When we are sick and need to know what can make us whole again, there is no other fount we know.
Love Thy Extraterrestrial Neighbor
The burgeoning field of astrobiology and what it tells us about the meaning of life.
What Christians Miss When They Dismiss Imagination
Understanding God and our world needs more than bare reason and experience.
The Exoplanets Declare the Glory of God
TRAPPIST-1 is not our new home. The Creator declared it good anyway.
Why Does the Red Planet Call to Us?
What space exploration tells us about human curiosity, from Eden to Mars.
Your Brain Is Not a Computer
Why being human means we must be embodied.
Preparing to Witness an Act of God
Science can explain why Hurricane Florence is threatening my home. But it can’t interpret it.
Sleeping Willows
How a big God works through small days.
Does ‘The Image of God’ Extend to Robots, Too?
On-screen depictions of artificial intelligence like 'Westworld' complicate our understanding of the imago Dei.
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